How we are performing

At the Council we believe in being open and honest.

This includes communicating our performance to our tenants as to how we are performing across our housing services and other areas.

The Regulator of Social Housing outlines areas of performance that we must collect and report on, and we are committed to publishing this every quarter.

Corporate performance for quater 2 2024 / 2023
Performance indicatorCurrent performance
Gas safety checks100%
Fire safety checks100%
Emergency repairs completed within target timescale99.95%
Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale91.91%
Number of stage 1 complaints raised by tenants (per 1,000 properties)27.37
Number of stage 2 complaints raised by tenants (per 1,000 properties)4.63
Percentage of stage 2 compaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales91.51%
Percentage of stage 2 compaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales92%
ASB cases relative to the size of the landlord7.22 (end of quarter 1)